Login Access
Logging in to your courses can be challenging the first time you access the course and sometimes after not being active like during summer vacations. If you can remember your username, then that is very helpful. Often (not always), the username is all lowercase first initial of your first name and the lastname ie. John Smith - username: jsmith.
Having trouble logging in? Here are a few tips that will help you when logging in:
- The
login and passwords are case sensitive. This means that the password
might contain uppercase and lowercase letters. The password MUST be
typed in EXACTLY like it appears in the email you received for login
- Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the letter "l" (Lowercase "L") from the letter "I" (uppercase "i"). Try both scenarios.
- If you forgot your username or password or just want to reset the password, use the link under the profile "Forgot username or password." Follow the steps to get access once again. You will need to use the email address you supplied us at enrollment.
- Sometimes, the email address that was given to us, was typed incorrectly by the student or admissions. In those cases, you will need to contact our tech support to gain access into the course platform.
Last modified: Sunday, August 21, 2016, 12:31 PM